Blog > Cyber Espionage // Fake News // 2017 Marketing Trends // Data Visualisation by Google // Apollo 11
Cyber Espionage // Fake News // 2017 Marketing Trends // Data Visualisation by Google // Apollo 11

Gruvi Weekly Digest #49— A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.

Ben, CEO
The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. | NY TimesCyber espionage is on the up – those of you not investing in email security should. I got phised last year and I can tell you from personal experience that it sucked!

Mirona, Marketing Lead
F is for Fake (News) | REDEFThis is a bit of a Russian-doll, but for our curated list of recommendations this week I’ll take the plunge and recommend a curated list of articles on fake news, everybody’s favourite new F word.

Stephen, Innovation Director’s Top 10 Marketing Trends For 2017 | CMOIs Virtual Reality the next Betamax?Oculus Rift may have sold 50,000 units in its first six months, but that pales in comparison with the Nintendo Wii, which sold 13 million units in its first year. This year saw the rise of Pokemon Go, however few brands have been able to use this technology to bridge the gap between what’s happening online and in the real world – I wouldn’t be putting it in my Top 10 2017 Trends… Maybe 2019!

Franco, Digital Designer
The Rhythm of FoodThis project by Google News Lab and TRUTH & BEAUTY does a great job at creating engaging data visualisation solutions to reveal key food trends (as revealed by Google searches).
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