Blog > Gruvi at Cinemacon 2018 in Las Vegas
Gruvi at Cinemacon 2018 in Las Vegas
This year Gruvi is attending Cinemacon in Las Vegas, between the 23rd and 26th of April.
We’re looking forward to meet you to talk about audience development for your upcoming release and events. If you’d like to request a meeting and find out more about our latest cinema analysis report, click here to book a meeting and get in touch.
A brief introduction
Gruvi is a marketing technology platform that helps film and entertainment companies reach and engage online audiences prior to and during a film’s release. Gruvi has the pleasure of being one of the few companies that work with Distribution and Exhibition, and our projects include:
- Odeon: Chatbot for cinema booking and customer support inquiries, tools for social social campaigns.
- Disney: Event cinema launches across the German-speaking markets
- Independent film distributors and exhibitors across Europe and US such as Wildbunch, Weltkino, Grand Teatret, and more.
For more details about our approach to online marketing you can read Winning Your Audiences, our free ebook, and explore the case studies on our blog.
For more details, get in touch to book a meeting with us at Cinemacon.
If you would like to know more CONTACT US