Blog > Gruvi Weekly Debrief- 17/11/2017

Gruvi Weekly Debrief- 17/11/2017

Gruvi Weekly Debrief

The Gruvi WeeklyDebrief is our Friday recap of the topics that we’ve covered on the website over the past week and the occasional company updates.
Two new posts up this week on the blog!
The first is an look into how a different business model in the media industry also impacts marketing approaches. While studios still market around the opening weekend, Netflix has acquired a black belt in buzz-making. With content available at any time, they can capitalise on the moments and experiences that people are most likely to talk about. Read more here:
Netflix and the Art of the Buzz
We have our own success marketing stories, and on Tuesday we shared one of them here, on the blog. It’s the first in a 3 part series detailing our work and results for marketing the Danish family movie ‘Kidnapning’. Read the first part below and stay tuned for an interview with producer Regner Grasten next week!
Combining paid advertising and influencer marketing for movies. Case Study: Kidnapning (Part 1)
In other news, we came across a new project that echoes our conviction that blockchain will be at the basis of innovation for the movie business model. Coinvestfilm is a startup that aims to build a blockchain platform to bridge Hollywood and new technologies. This includes crowdfunding the production of films or cryptocurrency stock exchange for movies tokens where the investors’ hype is driven by tons of movie industry news. Coinvest cooperates with film producers, lets viewers be co-investors or co-producers of films, opening up the movie business for small, private investors.
For an overview of interesting things we have read, watched and listened to across the web this past week, check the Gruvi Weekly Digest on LinkedIn.

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