Blog > Gruvi Weekly Digest Special Edition- Paradigm Shift

Gruvi Weekly Digest Special Edition- Paradigm Shift

Gruvi Weekly Digest Special Edition Paradigm Shift

Gruvi Weekly Digest #42— A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.

Ben, CEO
Why the Future of TV Isn’t TV | The Wrap
“You can think TV is in terminal decline or that it’s watched by more people, more often, for longer than ever before and you can both be right.” Where to now? Tom Goodwin predicts we’re all very soon going to be part of how the paradigm shifts.

Stephen, Innovation Director
How China Is Changing Your Internet | NY Times
Wechat is way ahead on the road to what companies like Facebook and Google aspire to be. And the world should be paying attention, both to learn and to prevent.

Johnny, Lead Developer
WeChat’s world | The Economist
If you’re up for a deeper dive (and longer read) on why WeChat is becoming the new internet standard, you should definitely read this analysis.

Franco, Digital Designer
Bing Unveils Redesign, Aimed At Scouring Friend Network |
Some companies have already been undergoing changes in their structure and design to create a more connected internet. A good example is Bing who, back in 2012, implemented changes that would allow users to “interact with people who know the answers you’re looking for”.

Mirona, Marketing Lead
Swarm Intelligence ponders Minimum Wage | Unanimous
The thought of one big company having almost unlimited access to all aspects of our life is quite scary. But evidence reveals that the power of the many takes us all closer to the truth or to an utopian middle ground. Unanimous blends AI and swarm intelligence to provide some very interesting evidence to support that.If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss any of our Weekly Digests subscribe to the publication here.
Check out the Stikbold! approach to influencer marketing for games in our video interview:
Launching your game. How are you influencing your influencer marketing?
Is your Snapchat strategy ready? Here’s why we think it should be:
What’s your Snapchat Strategy?
What can decrease online piracy? Here’s our take:
Online Piracy?—?Why do people illegally torrent and download movies and what should be done about it

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