Blog > Media Business Are Moving — Web Publishers’ Breaking Point — Media is Broken — Mixed Reality
Media Business Are Moving — Web Publishers’ Breaking Point — Media is Broken — Mixed Reality

Gruvi Weekly Digest #25 — A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.
This past week we’ve been taking a close look at the media and how it’s adapting to the many changes it’s facing. From where companies are located, to the importance of user interfaces and also how new technologies, such as mixed reality, might influence them.
Ben, CEO
The game of concentration: The Internet is pushing the American news business to New York and the coasts | Niemanlab
The new media landscape is influencing not only how businesses are run, but also where.
Matt, Operations Lead
Media Websites Battle Faltering Ad Revenue and Traffic | NY Times
Web publishers are starting to reach breaking point. Generating sufficient revenue through advertising is becoming a real struggle after the continuing rise of ad-blockers and mobile apps. They key stat in this article: 85% of all ad revenue ends up in the pockets of either Facebook or Google.
Mirona, Gruvi’s Go Getter
Why Media’s Broken (And How to Fix It) | Medium
Oscillating between slang and ‘corporat-ese’, this article paints a pretty honest picture of what media is going through and why. It might not necessarily provide a concrete solution, but it’s worth the read for the sobering reality check. Definitely a great complementary read to Matt’s suggestion above.
Johnny, Lead Developer
The Untold Story of Magic Leap, the World’s Most Secretive Startup | Wired
Forget about virtual reality! Mixed reality (MR) is hear to blow our minds and rock our world!
Franco, Digital Designer
Perceived Value in User Interfaces by Aurora Bedford |
“At some point in your life, you’ve likely been told not to judge a book by its cover. And yet, on the web, people commonly do it: we judge a website?—?and the products or services it contains?—?by what we see on the first page we visit.”What can be done about online piracy? Here’s our take:
Online Piracy?—?Why do people illegally torrent and download movies and what should be done about it
Read our report on the pros and cons of Screening Room:
Movies Should Be Seen?—?How Screening Room Is Challenging the Way Hollywood Works
Check out the what we have learned about audience targeting in one of our recent campaigns:
Know Thy Audience: Marketing the Horror Film IT FOLLOWS
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