Blog > Online Movie Ratings — Autumn Releases — Twitter’s Revolution — An App’s Life Span
Online Movie Ratings — Autumn Releases — Twitter’s Revolution — An App’s Life Span
Gruvi Weekly Digest #4 — A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.
There are bad problems- like the fact that the online ratings of movies which we tend to take for granted as a refelection of the audience might not be what they seem. There are also ‘good’ problems- like the fact that mature audience have a lot of great films to see in cinemas this fall. Distributors will have to explore alternative models to best service these movies, just like Jack Dorsey will have to continue the battle to keep Twitter relevant. No app lives forever – actually, most don’t, and looking at the case of Everest gives some insight as to why. Last, but not least, for those who like insight into moviemaking, we’ve picked just one of the many interesting analyses on the web.
Ben, CEO
Be Suspicious Of Online Movie Ratings, Especially Fandango’s (via FiveThirtyEight)
Things are not what they seem in the world of movie ratings, and since Fandango’s acquisition by NBCU (owners of Universal studios … you know those guys who make a lot of movies) ratings have been somewhat fishy to say the least. Nothing on Fandango gets below 3 stars. Is this political hot potatoeing or something more sinister?
Mirona, Gruvi’s Go Getter
From ‘Bridge of Spies’ to ‘Beasts of No Nation,’ Studios Duke it Out for Adult Audiences(via Variety)
With summer come and gone, October and November releases are aimed at a more mature audience. The subjects they deal with, the casting choices, are all aimed at movie-goers who are looking for more than a good laugh or a scare on a Friday night. They’re not quire art-house offerings, yet qualifying them as mainstream would also be unjust. One other thing that they are is too many- that is, if you choose to look at traditional box office. I think a little more time and alternative distribution will really show these movies’ potential.
Julio, CTO
Can Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Revolution Save the Company? (via Variety)
Moments, lay-offs, and now hearts to replace stars. Since he’s officially back, Jack Dorsey has been shaking up things at Twitter. Does this qualify as a revolution?
During a revolution, perception is everything. That’s why rebels around the world always occupy TV stations first?—?so they can make clear to everyone they’re in charge. And that’s why Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey started acting like a leader in it for the long haul as soon as he became the company’s interim CEO in July.
Matt, Operations Lead
The Rise and Fall of Everest (the App) (via Product Hunt on Medium)
These stories aren’t told often enough, but they offer so much to learn. An interesting read about the rise and fall of the app Everest.
Johnny, Lead Developer
Don’t Ignore The Background (via Devour)
The team at Devour hand-pick a curated collection of videos from the over 1000 hours uploaded on YouTube each minute. Their Movies channel is full of interesting picks, such as this video essay analysing the importance of the background in Alfonso Cuaron’s “Children of Men”.
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