Blog > Page post updates – new opportunities for film marketing
Page post updates – new opportunities for film marketing
A couple of weeks back Facebook introduced the latest rounds of tweaks and changes that open up a suprizing range of communication opportunities for Pages.
“Now, when a Page tags another Page, we may show the post to some of the people who like or follow the tagged Page.”
This is an expansion on what already happens between friends in photo tagging. The updates that spread from this help us keep uptodate with what is happening in our friends lives by the activities that are photographed, tagged and made public. For film marketing campaigns that means when you tag actors pages or pages for other movies there is a possibility to update those fans with your messages.
There is of course no guarantee that your posts will show up in the newsfeed of those who follow the page that you tag, as Facebook will use the algorithms to determine whether the content is relevant for both audiences or not. As in Facebook’s own words:
“We look at many factors to make sure the most relevant stories appear in News Feed, including which posts are getting the most engagement (such as likes, comments, shares and clicks) across all of Facebook. We also consider which posts are getting the most engagement from people who like both the Page that posted and the Page that was tagged.”
It will be interesting to see what the long term results are on this. For major studios talking up one another films will probably not come easily as part of a communication strategy, but for the indie market this could be an interesting and fruitful way of collaborating on projects, sharing fan updates and generating conversations that introduce new content onto audiences of known taste.
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