Blog > The Blockbuster Bubble // Challenging the Studio System // The Importance of Big Data for SVOD //

The Blockbuster Bubble // Challenging the Studio System // The Importance of Big Data for SVOD //

The Blockbuster Bubble Challenging the Studio System The Importance of Big Data for SVOD

Gruvi Weekly Digest #34?—?A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.
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Ben, CEO
Why The Blockbuster Movie Bubble Will Burst In 2018 | Cracked
Tough times ahead for the movie business as we know it. We’ve discussed before how reliant blockbuster economics are on the studio system and the opening weekend. It seems like the downfall is just around the corner.

Matt, Operations Lead
Amazon, Netflix challenge the Hollywood studio system | The Hollywood Reporter
If the old ways are failing, what is replacing them? Stephen Galloway argues that the future is in the hands of the ‘new studios’, who have plenty of financial resources to gamble on talent and an expanding user base to rely on.

Mirona, Marketing Lead
How Important is Big Data to Netflix and Amazon? Very. |
“You do not make a $100 million investment these days without an awful lot of analytics”. Seems like Netflix and Amazon are leading the vanguard not just by betting on talent, but also by making sure they know all there is to know about who watches their content.

Franco, Digital Designer
New Logo for Subway | Brand New
Subway is doing something it hasn’t done in more than a decade. It’s changing its logo. The sandwich shop revealed on Friday that it’s ditching its bulky, outlined lettering in favour of a more simplified, clean design.

Johnny, Lead Developer
The Unbelievable Tale of Jesus’s Wife | The Atlantic
‘Unbelievable’ barely begins to describe the intricacies of this story which puts “The Da Vinci Code” to shame.. . .
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