Blog > VOD Transparency — Mobile Marketing — Cybercrime — The Inconsistency of English — Moving Covers
VOD Transparency — Mobile Marketing — Cybercrime — The Inconsistency of English — Moving Covers
Gruvi Weekly Digest #8 — A weekly catch up on what we found interesting at Gruvi.
The internet has been supplying us with plenty of interesting reading material and food for thought this past week- from the way interaction with our mobile devices is relevant for both marketing and baby-naming purposes, to how English has been shaped into an universal communication gateway.
Ben, CEO
Weekly Rankings – Weekend Box Office Results via Rentrak
While VOD is heralded as a growing strategy for film distribution and success stories such as that of Snowpiercer are featured more frequently, there is still a big lack of information regarding actual revenues. Rentrak updates weekly a top 10 of films performing best on VOD, but without making any revenue numbers public. It’s only a small step in the right direction as there is still much room for improvement when it comes to transparency in this area of the industry.
Matt, Operations Lead
4 Hot Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016 via Kissmetrics
With an app there for just about any of the needs we might not even know we have, 2016 is going to be fertile ground for mobile marketing. Kissmetrics provide an overview of what to expect.
Mirona, Gruvi’s Go Getter
Darkode via Radiolab
Back in September, Radiolab presented a story that dives into the often overlooked facet of our lives online. From ransom to taking down your competitiors, there are plenty or reasons and methods some engage in cybercrime.
Julio, CTO
Why is English so weirdly different from other languages? via Aeon Essays
By 1922, Gerald Nolst was already on to it. It’s wrong to attribute the status of English as a lingua franca to a particularly viral, well thought-out set of grammar rules. As it turns out, it’s actually pretty inconsistent, our quick learning of it by sheer exposure to British and American neocolonialism notwithstanding.
Johnny, Lead Developer
Cover Story: Moving Images? via?The New Yorker
Chris Ware and John Kuramoto collaborate with Ira Glass of “This American Life” fame to create an animated cover for the New York Times: a simple story about growing up, femininity and parenthood.
Dario, Developer
If You’ve Named Your Baby After An Instagram Filter, You’re Not Alone via Tech Crunch
To be fair, most of us are susceptible to impressions more than we like to think or are willing to admit. If we use something often, it will probably change the way we interact with our environment. In the ecosystem of modern startups, it can be postulated that success is in correlation with leaving a lasting impression on users. Inhat context, I’d say Instagram did very well.
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